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Rush and Lusk Educate Together National School, Lusk, Co. Dublin

Welcome to 3rd Class!

30th Sep 2024
It's been a great start to the first term of the new school year. The children have been very enthusiastic and have already shared some great ideas, expectations and goals for the coming year.

We have spent time getting to know each other including welcoming and helping new students to our class. 

The children have enjoyed sharing their personality traits and hobbies through various different activities and art work. To celebrate international dot day, a day when one is encouraged to try new things and be creative, the children explored what they could create if just given an empty page with just one black dot. To complement their art work they wrote up encouragement plans for a friend and/or family member.

We also looked at the value of responsibility, creating our own classroom responsibility tree, where each student created a leaf detailing how they can be responsible in our classroom, in school and at home.

Finally, we have brought the classroom outside, taking advantage of the last of the fine summer weather and our nearby green areas. The children had an opportunity to complete a minibeast trail, where they had to find, draw and record the name of minibeasts out in their local environment. Lots were found and thankfully all that were found were returned to their natural habitat :-)

We have lots more planned over the coming weeks and look forward to sharing with you all!