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Rush and Lusk Educate Together National School, Lusk, Co. Dublin

Laura's 3rd Class News

30th Apr 2024

We shared our intercultural and creative day art in assembly.
We shared our intercultural and creative day art in assembly.
We worked on developing our growth mindsets.
We worked on developing our growth mindsets.
We enjoyed a fun hip-hop class.
We enjoyed a fun hip-hop class.
We made butter to the song Shake it off by Taylor Swift!
We made butter to the song Shake it off by Taylor Swift!
We spent time in our brand new library, reading and relaxing on the cushions.
We spent time in our brand new library, reading and relaxing on the cushions.
We looked at gratitude, the value of the month. We made gratitude jars to look at all the things we have to be grateful for.
We looked at gratitude, the value of the month. We made gratitude jars to look at all the things we have to be grateful for.